Spirulina Farming- स्पिरुलिना की खेती

Spirulina is a cyanobacterium, or blue-green algae, a type of bacteria that can grow in both fresh and salt water. The process of photosynthesis, it generates energy from sunlight just like plants do. Warm, alkaline ponds and rivers are ideal for their growth and development. One of the key elements of a diet is protein. One of the best possible sources of protein is it. Commercially, large-scale culture systems are used to grow this protein in spirulina for both human and animal consumption. Spirulina has a high growth rate and a protein content that ranges from 40 to 80%. It can grow in any tropical climate and needs less land and water for growth. In industrial aquacultures of fish, prawns, and animals;

Spirulina is used as an additional dietary ingredient and can be found in both dried and wet forms. Unicellular, filamentous blue-green algae known as spirulina is coiled into 0.1 mm-wide spirals of varying numbers and tightness. It grows quickly in environments with enough minerals and has high nutrient content, low nucleic acid content, and high levels of vitamins and minerals. It is used as a potential source of food, feed, and fuel in developing nations. It is grown in controlled environments and on a large scale for human nutrition. It can also be grown in wastewater and used as animal feed. Details about costs and profits are included in the Spirulina Farming Project Report at the bottom of the article.

Spirulina’s botanical or scientific name

Spirulina which has been domesticated is known scientifically as Crocus sativus L., which belongs to the Iridaceae family.

Benefits of Spirulina to Health

Spirulina has high concentrations of a variety of nutrients.

• Possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

• Because it can reduce LDL and triglyceride levels, it is beneficial for the heart.

• Prevents LDL cholesterol from oxidising.

• Effectively combats oral cancer and appears to possess anti-cancer properties.

• Minimizes nasal airway inflammation (allergic rhinitis symptoms).

• Successful in combating anaemia.

• Helpful for HIV patients because it boosts immunity.

• Increases muscular endurance and strength.

• As ribonucleic acid levels rise, brain energy is increased. Studies on animals revealed a reduction in blood sugar.

Enhances the health of the digestive system.

• Possess anti-aging qualities.

• A tablespoon has 4 grammes of protein, 1 gramme of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, 1 gramme of manganese, 1 gramme of potassium, and 1 gramme of magnesium. It also has 21% of the recommended daily allowance of copper and 15% of the recommended daily allowance of iron.

Spirulina Growing Conditions

Climate: Spirulina must be grown in areas with favourable climatic conditions in order to be produced on a large scale and commercially. Regions that are tropical or subtropical are ideal for growing it. It needs sunshine every day of the year. Spirulina production and growth rates are influenced by a number of variables, including wind, rain, temperature changes, and solar radiation.

Temperature: A temperature between 30° and 35° C is ideal for high production with high protein content. Spirulina is resilient.

Spirulina can endure temperatures of 22 to 38 degrees Celsius, but the protein content and colour will be changed. Cultures begin to bleach at temperatures over 35 °C and cannot survive at temperatures below 20 °C.

Light: Its growth is significantly influenced by the light’s intensity. Spirulina’s protein content, growth rate, and pigment synthesis are all directly impacted by light. For spirulina farming, it has been discovered that light intensities between 20 and 30 K lux are ideal. Different light shades were used during the observation period of 10 hours at 2 K lux; the blue light produced the highest levels of protein. The following levels of protein generation were coloured yellow, white, red, and green.

Spirulina requires light exposure because it is a photosynthesizing organism. Spirulina that is on top of the culture will thrive because there is the most light there, while those below have a slow growth rate and the Spirulina that is left below may die. The culture needs to be constantly stirred in order to achieve maximum production and the proper growth rate for each organism. This enables uniform photosynthesis and helps all organisms rise to the top of the culture. Both mechanical and manual stirring are options. Solar energy can be used to install and power pump and paddle wheels. When manually stirring, which can be done with a stick, broom, or any other convenient object, the utmost care should be taken.

Stirring Slow, circular motions in one direction should be used when stirring. Only during the day, manual stirring is done once every two to three hours. The equipment is thoroughly cleaned before each stirring.

Water quality: It is necessary to duplicate the close culture medium in which blue-green algae grows naturally when growing spirulina for commercial purposes. The primary growing medium for spirulina is water. It should contain all the nutrition sources required for spirulina to grow healthily. By supplying a controlled salt solution in the water, the ideal water quality should be preserved throughout the production of the micro-algaemas. The ideal pH range for culture medium is between 8 and 11. Controlling the water level in tanks or pits is necessary.

For all living things to engage in photosynthesis, the water level is crucial. The less sunlight that reaches the surface of the water, the less algae will grow. Ideal water level height is 20 cm, which is a minimum shallow level. The culture medium has the following chemical make-up:

The concentration of Chemical Components (Grams Per Liter)

Sodium Carbonate of Hydrogen (NaHCO3)- 8.0

Chloride of sodium (NaCl)- 1.0

Nitrate of Potassium (KNO3- 2.0

Magnesium Sulfate in Water (MgSO4.6H2O)- 0.16

(NH4)3PO4 Ammonium Phosphate- 0.2

(CO(NH2)2) urea- 0.015

Hydrated sulphate of sulphate (FeSO4.6H2O)- 0.005

Potassium Sulfate of Iron (K2SO4)- 1.0

hydrate of calcium chloride (CaCl2.2H2O)- 0.1

Cyanure of Ammonium (CH4N2O)- 0.009


Spirulina production will be directly impacted by contamination of the culture medium. The contamination may occur either through the breeding of insects, chemical contaminants or foreign algae. Any amount of chlorine in the water will stop the growth of algae. Spirulina production will completely stop as a result of this. The consumption of algae by mosquito larvae and another insect larva will result in a 10% reduction in overall production. The quality and yield of the spirulina will be compromised at the time of harvest if there are any larvae or pupae present. By utilising a fine wire mesh frame, all extraneous materials can be eliminated from the culture medium.

Production and Cultivation of Spirulina

Spirulina is one of many algal species that can be found growing in unpolluted freshwaters in their natural habitat. Additionally, they can be found in environments that are naturally occurring, such as brackish water, seawater, and soil marshes.

Where no other microorganisms can grow, they do well in highly alkaline waters with a lot of solar radiation. Additionally, they can withstand low temperatures of 15° C at night and up to 40° C for a short period of time during the day. Their growth cycles in natural environments depend on the scarce availability of nutrients. The algae quickly grow and increase their population to the highest density when new nutrients from the rivers or from pollution reach the water bodies. When the Spirulina runs out of nutrients, it dies, sinks to the bottom, and decomposes, releasing nutrients into the water. More nutrients entering the lake trigger the start of a new Spirulina cycle.

Commercial and mass cultivation: In the early 1960s, Japan began a large-scale culture cultivation programme for the microalgae chlorella and spirulina. More than 22 nations currently engage in extensive commercial spirulina cultivation.

Ponds: Artificial shallow ponds with paddle wheels to stir the culture are typically where commercial cultivation is done. There are two ways to carry out the cultivation. ponds made of concrete and pits covered in PVC or other plastic sheets. Concrete ponds can be used for extensive mass cultivation, but the cost is high. In the beginning, production costs will be high. Cheap clay sealing and tough plastic sheets won’t last very long, but they’ll cost money on a regular basis once the materials start to wear out. Over time, concrete ponds will be more cost-effective for the spirulina industry, whereas low-investment structures will become more expensive. Depending on the physical characteristics of the land, ponds can be any size and shape. The ideal pond conditions are 50 m in length, 2-3 m in width, and 20 to 30 cm in depth, and can be achieved by building one or more ponds. Depending on the available land, the length of the ponds can vary. Transparent polythene covers placed over each pond will help to raise the temperature, reduce water evaporation, and lessen the likelihood of contamination.

There are two methods for ensuring that the culture is mixed evenly: The cultures are mixed manually and mechanically, respectively. Any practical tool can be used, including long sticks, broomsticks, and other hand tools. Paddle wheels are a type of frequently used mechanical device that is installed to stir up culture. Stirring the culture aides in the ascent of all Spirulina organisms so that they can absorb CO2 and solar energy for photosynthesis. The installation of paddle wheels depends on the size of the ponds. At a speed of 10 rpm, a sizable paddle wheel with a diameter of about two metres should spin. For proper culture stirring, a small paddle wheel with a diameter up to 0.7 metres can spin at a speed of 25 rpm.

The process of growing spirulina can begin once water is added to each concrete pond at after the installation of paddle wheels, the necessary height. By adding the necessary salts at the necessary rate, the water must be alkaline and have the proper pH value. The pond is prepared for spirulina seeding once the water has reached a standard micronutrient composition. Ideally, 30 grammes of dry spirulina should be added for every 10 litres of water in order to promote uniform growth and harvesting. You could seed the pond with a concentrated live Spirulina culture. One pond is kept solely for the purpose of raising Spirulina as seed in commercial farms. By doing so, the farm will need fewer regular purchases, become self-sustaining, and be able to sell live Spirulina seed to other growers. Within three to five days, the biomass of the algae bacterium starts to double. By ingesting the nutrients in the culture medium, the alga grows and thrives. For optimum yields and good production, farmers must regularly add fresh water and assess the nutrient content value. Keeping environmental conditions under control will help farmers avoid contaminating the culture medium. When Spirulina cultures are not properly cared for, they both grow and die quickly. The colour of the mature Spirulina shifts from light to dark green. When to harvest spirulina depends on the amount of algae present and the colour of the algae. The second method involves measuring with a Secchi desk, and the ratio should be about 0.5 grammes per litre of culture medium.

The pond’s water level should be kept between 20 and 30 cm (25 cm is ideal water level height). The cultivation will be impacted by water evaporation because the majority of the ponds are open. To maintain a constant (25 cm) water level height throughout the cultivation, fresh water is released into the ponds on average three times per month, especially during the summer.

Spirulina harvesting

Culture Medium Filtration: As was previously stated, the number of algae in the pond will determine how much will be harvested. The pond will typically be ready for harvesting five days after the seeding process is complete. Due to a lack of funding and material resources, different farmers harvest spirulina using various techniques. Whatever the motivation, filtration is done to obtain spirulina. The cloth is covered with culture that has been collected in a container. Spirulina is left on the cloth as the culture medium drains back into the pond. By exerting pressure or squeezing, the surplus or any leftover culture medium residues can be drained. Different filtering techniques have been developed by farmers for quick and simple processes. More information about the various designs that can be used to reduce manual labour and expedite harvest processing can be found online. After filtering, any remaining salts, contaminants, or culture medium residue are thoroughly removed from the collected spirulina by giving it a thorough wash in distilled water. After cleaning, the water content is further eliminated by pressing or squeezing. and is prepared to be dried. Spirulina’s nutritious value will be at its peak when it is newly collected. Since fresh spirulina only lasts for about two days, it must be dried in order to maintain its nutritional value and extend its shelf life.

Fresh Spirulina Dried: When dried, spirulina keeps for several months while maintaining much of its nutritious value. The Spirulina mass is held inside the kitchen press grater for quick drying, and then it is pressed into fine strands on a long, clean towel and dried outside. This promotes rapid drying. Several discs with various hole sizes are included in the kitchen press. Employ a disc that is comfy and will hasten the drying process.

The spirulina mass is processed through noodles-making machinery into fine strands, which are then dried in the open air under the sun. Some farmers use a knife to spread a thin layer of spirulina mass over the fabric. For noodle-like strands, some people use syringes. Despite the techniques and materials, cutting the drying time will reduce contaminants. You can hasten drying by using electrically or solar-powered ovens. When kept at 60° C, the oven heats up in about 4 hours, while drying spirulina at 40° C takes 15 to 16 hours.

Spirulina strands that have been thoroughly dried are now ready for grinding. The dried algae can be pulverised using the same grinding equipment used to make flour. Spirulina is pulverised and transformed into soft powder dust, which is then sealed and packed in various weights for marketing. For three to four years, vacuum drying and airtight packaging will keep the nutritious value.

Spirulina farming’s expenses and earnings

The purpose of this project report on the economics of spirulina farming is to provide entrepreneurs with an overall perspective of costs and profits. The numbers provided are for illustrative purposes only. Each created pond is 10 by 20 feet. There are perhaps 20 of these ponds. On average, each pond will produce 2 kg of wet culture each day. The farmer must comprehend this calculation, according to which a kilogramme of wet culture will yield just 100 grammes of dry powder. Based on this, a 20-tank Spirulina farming operation will typically produce 4-5 kg of dry Spirulina powder per day. Spirulina will be produced at a rate of between 100 and 130 kg per month. The cost of dry spirulina powder on the market is roughly Rs. 600 per kg. A farmer might make between $40 and $45,000 per month. A farmer can lower his fixed investment by opting for dirt pits wrapped in sturdy plastic sheets, which can cost him between Rs. 3-4.5 lakhs. In addition to concrete ponds, a farmer can increase tanks constructed of inexpensive, long-lasting materials by making the most of the land’s available space, which will result in less effort and investment and higher profit returns.

Organic spirulina tablets in a wooden cup with a wooden spoon on a dark background with free space top view

Cost of Capital Investment

S. No Specifics Cost Rs. 1) Pond Construction (20 @ 50,000/-) = 10,000, 2) Plant Machinery—15,000

3) 5,000 in laboratory equipment

4) 1,50,000 for a water treatment facility

5) 25,000 for piping work.

6) 15,000 for electrical work

7) 10,000 Drying Screens

8) 5,000 harvesting screens

9) Packaging Supplies: 2,500

10) Chemicals ($2,000 per month)

11) Monthly labour costs: 18,000

Twelve) Other 2,500

12,50,000 is the total capital investment.

S. No Details Price- ]

1_)Total Capital Expenditure- 12,50,000recurring monthly operational costs


Total Price


Total Price


S. No Details Price

  1. Spirulina Powder is being sold for Rs. 600 per kg.

72,000 Income (Sale – Operational Cost) (Sale – Operational Cost)

47,000 =The qualities of spirulina

If the following quality requirements are met, the finished product will sell for between 600 and 650/- per kilogram.

S. No Specifics Quality=  

1)  Moisture- 3%

  • Protein 65%
  • Fat- 7%
  • Raw Fiber- 9%
  • Carbohydrate- 16%
  • Energy (100 gms) (100 gms) 346 Kcal
  • Mold and fungi
  • Streptococci bacteria, Salmonella, Coliforms, and a fermented odor

Training in Spirulina Cultivation

This is not a difficult science to understand. The training phase wouldn’t last long; learning can be completed in a matter of days. Although the training will be too basic, it is crucial to success and good production. Little errors caused many people who started Spirulina business farming to fail, and small careless errors will ruin the entire harvest. So, it is advised to combine training with actual experience. With the correct instruction, you can produce a high-quality yield with the greatest possible returns and without ever losing any of your initial investment. A list of the few training facilities is provided below.

GMs Spirulina, C/S No. 121/1, Indira Colony, UrunIslampur, Maharashtra 415409, telephone number: 075075 16006

Phone numbers for the Nallayan Research Centre for Sustainable Development include 044-28193063 (office), 98840-00413, and 98840-00414 (mobile). It is located in Navallor Village, Kanchipuram District, Tamil Nadu (farm).

Madurai’s Spirulina Production, Research, and Training Center is located in the Kondayampatti hamlet.

The Division of Microbiology of ICAR-Institute IARI’s for Conservation and Use of Blue Green Algae is located in New Delhi, India.

Chawadi Spirulina Training is located at flat number 301 in the Prerana Arcade building next to the Tarakpur Bus Stop in Ahmednagar.

Spirulina Entrepreneurs Research Centre, Dhone, Kurnool Dist, Andhra Pradesh, phone: (91-94-90-88-4164, Street Number 1, Yerraboda, Upparpally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500030; phone: +91 092966 01789; Mudes1 Spirulina

Advice and Difficulties in Spirulina Growth

• Throughout the cultivation, keep the culture medium’s nutritional concentration constant.

• Maintain a 20–25 cm height level in the pond and the temperature of the culture media.

• Once every three to four hours during the day, gently stir the culture medium thoroughly in one direction.

• Take care not to contaminate the culture medium.

• By feeding on production, mosquito larva will destroy 10% of it.

• Market value will be generated by a protein content of 65%, so maintaining nutrient levels in the culture medium should be a consistent goal throughout the cultivation.

• For good growth, direct sunlight should be provided.

• If ammonia is detected in the pond, freshwater is supplied.

• A delay in harvesting is indicated by the development of thick green layers.

• Dried spirulina powder should be kept in sealed containers right away.

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